
Meals shipped to date: 189,394,104

Meals shipped last year: 27,473,472

FMSC works with an ever-growing, diverse group of food distribution partners who are reaching the most needy and vulnerable in 39 countries across the continent of Africa.

Africa is prone to periodic droughts. The continent's recurring history of conflict and strife, in addition to a high rate of HIV/AIDS in many countries, means there are many malnourished children and struggling communities in desperate need of nutritious food and the love of Jesus.

Learn more about our food distribution partners and where they serve

Hand-crafted items from Africa

Because of the international FMSC MarketPlace, artisans who receive MannaPack meals in Africa are able to create beautiful items by hand, receive income from their sales (through your purchases!) to support their families and send their children to school. MarketPlace purchases build communities and profits go back into our feeding programs.

FMSC supports 561 artisans in Africa.

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