The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Gadgets & Gizmos: We Want to Hear from YOU

Gadgets & Gizmos: We Want to Hear from YOU

“Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.” -- Matthew 5:16

This summer, Feed My Starving Children is honored to be the mission emphasis for the Orange VBS curriculum Gadgets & Gizmos.

Churches across the country use this curriculum, so imagine how many kids will be fed with FMSC as the mission emphasis!

God Made You to Shine

This year's VBS focuses on how God made each of us in HIS image and unique at the same time. One of the activities focuses on kids "being a flashlight." The activity includes taking M&Ms® tubes and making flashlights. 

From the curriculum:

God helps us point out the injustices of the world and do our part to help solve them by working together, much like our friends at FMSC who are doing their part in ending hunger all around the world. All the quarters you brought back in your M&Ms flashlights are going to help FMSC feed lots of children around the world.

What are our next steps, though? We have the opportunity to continue shining our light long after VBS is over. Let’s brainstorm a few ways we can continue to help our neighbors here and around the world that do not have enough food. 

Vacation Bible School 

We're already hearing amazing stories from churches and families participating in Gadgets & Gizmos, but we want to hear YOUR story!

Here is one story a dad shared with us:

Our first night of VBS was last night. My 5-year-old daughter was challenged, along with all the other kids, to fill an M&Ms canister with quarters for FMSC throughout the week.

A few weeks ago, she lost her first tooth. The "Tooth Fairy" left her four quarters under her pillow.

The first thing Evie said as she was walking out the door last night was, "Daddy, I'm going to use my Tooth Fairy money to help kids eat."

I thought that was pretty cool.

Your Story

What's your Gadgets & Gizmos VBS story? Share it with us on Facebook or email for a chance to be highlighted in a VBS round up blog later this summer.

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