The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

‘He who called us’: FMSC's 2019/20 Annual Report

‘He who called us’: FMSC's 2019/20 Annual Report

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:21-23

Last year, we saw the greatest demand for our food. Ever. The gap between the meals we were asked for and what we could provide grew. Now – with that gap still open – we face a hunger pandemic as COVID-19 touches every corner of the globe.

Without volunteers in the packing room, we have committed to using alternative methods to pack about 15 million meals per month for the next three months. That’s only half of what our volunteers can produce – and costs an additional $2.2 million more than volunteer-packed meals.

But even through all of this, it has been obvious to us WHO is in charge. Simply put, God likes us feeding His kids. And He is using you to do it.

In a tough year, we saw you get tougher. You faithfully joined us in our mission to feed God’s starving children, hungry in body and spirit.

Because of your support, we fed more children than we ever have before as we expanded programs to reach those in desperate need.

More than 1.4 million of you came together to pack 368 million meals for children around the world. That means you fed just over 1,006,600 children a daily meal for an entire year. Click here to see the full annual report

As we look into the year ahead – especially a year such as this – it’s important to look back.

Back at God’s faithfulness in hardship. Back at your faithfulness in answering His call to feed more kids. Back at what we have done well – and what we can do even better.

We have no doubt that this year will be difficult as we hear the cries of hunger ripple across a broken world. The World Food Programme estimates that COVID-19’s global impact will double the number of people experiencing severe hunger to 265 million in 2020.

But we continue to trust the Lord because as 1 Thessalonians tells us, “The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”

And He has called us to feed His kids.

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