PayPal Checkout

Donate using PayPal

Please choose an option below or enter a custom gift amount, then select the yellow PayPal button to continue.




Other - A meal costs less than 25 cents

Minimum donation $1.00

Your donation of {[formatDollars(chosenDonation.price)]} will help FMSC provide {[amountInMeals]} meals.

Donation {[formatDollars(chosenDonation.price)]}
Help cover fees {[formatDollars(paypalFee)]}
Total: {[formatDollars(totalItemsAmount)]}

Thank you {[payment_details.payer.payer_info.first_name]} for your donation of {[formatDollars(payment_details.transactions[0]]} {[payment_details.transactions[0].amount.currency]}

Kids with Thanks sign