My FMSC Story: Manny

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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My FMSC Story: Manny

My FMSC Story: Manny

  • October 10, 2016
  • Guest Author

Manny is a MobilePack event supervisor for Feed My Starving Children. This post is part of a series where Feed My Starving Children staff share their FMSC story. Follow along on social media with #MyFMSCStory.

Last Friday marked five years at FMSC for me. As has become my custom over the years, here's an update about what I've been blessed to be a part of over that time:

I've been on 182 events, traveled to 34 states, and worked with 279,802 volunteers. These events produced 73,636,560 meals, which would be enough to feed 201,744 children one meal a day for an entire year.

Having just returned from Haiti a couple of weeks ago, I have a newfound appreciation for the power of this food.

It's incredible to see how God can take someone who just doesn't want to sell TVs anymore, and plug him into an organization where miracles are happening daily.

One of those miracles is the boy pictured here. His name is Nelson, and if you've packed with us in the last year or so, you likely have seen his story.

I count it as one of the greatest blessings of this job to be able to do some small part in partnering with God and so many missionaries around the world. We are able to work together as the hands and feet of Christ to save lives.

Psalm 118:17 is so evident in the lives of these children:

"I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the LORD has done."

May God continue to watch over those affected by Hurricane Matthew, and continue to raise up volunteers and missionaries to step in and say "you will not die; instead, you will live to tell what the LORD has done."

Do you want an FMSC story? Come work with us! Current staff — send your story with photos to We can’t wait to hear your FMSC story.

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